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When Do Coturnix Quail Start Laying Eggs?

When Do Coturnix Quail Start Laying Eggs?

Coturnix quail, also known as Japanese quail, are small, domesticated birds that are increasingly popular for both meat and egg production. They are known for their rapid growth, hardiness, and prolific egg-laying abilities, but, When do Coturnix quail start laying egg?

One common question we receive from our customers is: “When do Coturnix quail start laying eggs?”

Understanding the timing and factors that influence egg-laying can help you better manage your quail covey for optimal quail egg production. This article will provide a guide on when Coturnix quail start laying eggs and the variables that can affect this process.

Age of Sexual Maturity

Coturnix quail reach sexual maturity at a relatively young age compared to other poultry. Generally, females start laying eggs between 6 to 8 weeks of age. This quick maturity makes them an attractive option for those looking for a fast return on their investment.

Environmental Factors that impact when quail start laying eggs

Although many in the quail raising community plan for the specific age of sexual maturity for their quail to start laying eggs, it is vital to not forget that environmental factors can impact when your quail will lay eggs for you.

Light Exposure

Light plays a crucial role in egg production. Coturnix quail require at least 14 hours (but not more than 16 hours) of light per day to maintain consistent egg-laying. Inadequate light can disrupt their laying cycle, leading to decreased or inconsistent egg production.


While Coturnix quail are hardy birds, extreme temperatures can affect their egg-laying abilities. Ideal temperatures for egg production range from 60°F to 75°F. Extremely hot or cold conditions can stress the birds and reduce egg-laying. Keep in mind that this is the optimal temperature range, but it doesn’t imply that you won’t receive a substantial amount of quail eggs if the temperatures deviate from this range.

If you are collecting quail eggs for hatching, you do not want the temperature of your quail hatching eggs to exceed 85F degrees for extended periods of time. This can potentially cause the embryos to begin incubation, resulting in embryo death once they are cooled back down.

Seasonal Variations

While Coturnix quail can lay eggs year-round, many quail keepers notice a slight decline in egg production during the winter months. This is due to reduced light and colder temperatures if you are not providing supplemental light to your quail.

Health Factors that impact when quail start laying eggs

The overall health conditions will directly impact when your coturnix quail will start laying eggs. It’s easy to overlook these factors and focus solely on the age of your quail, however your quail need to be healthy in order to properly produce quail eggs for you. Don’t make the mistake of overlooking these factors when you are planning for your egg laying quail.


Proper nutrition is essential for optimal egg production. A balanced diet rich in protein, calcium, and essential nutrients will ensure that your quail lay high-quality eggs. It’s advisable to provide quail feed specifically formulated for quail or pheasant layers to meet their nutritional needs.

Parasites and Diseases

Parasites and diseases can significantly impact egg production. Regular health checks and preventative measures can help maintain a healthy flock and consistent egg production.


Stressful conditions such as frequent handling, loud noises, or predator threats can adversely affect egg-laying. It’s essential to provide a calm and secure environment for your quail.


Coturnix quail are prolific egg layers that start laying at a young age, usually between 6 to 8 weeks. However, various factors such as light exposure, temperature, nutrition, health, and stress can influence their egg-laying abilities. By understanding these variables and managing them effectively, you can optimize your Coturnix quail flock for consistent, high-quality egg production.

Whether you are raising Coturnix quail for personal consumption, as a hobby, or for commercial purposes, knowing when and how they start laying eggs is crucial for successful quail keeping. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently manage your flock and look forward to a bountiful harvest of quail eggs.

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